Top Five Books, LLC,
is a Chicago-based independent publisher dedicated to publishing only the finest fiction, timeless classics, and select nonfiction.

Supreme Court

When Money Speaks

When Money Speaks, the first title in the SCOTUS Books-in-Brief series (spring 2014)

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Timely, Reliable, Engaging & Readily Available—
Top Five Books Launches a New Electronic Imprint

The SCOTUS Books-in-Brief series is designed to provide readers—lay and scholarly alike—with a reliable, informative, and engaging narrative account of significant Supreme Court rulings shortly after they come down. Provided in ebook format, each work will be economically priced and accessible on multiple platforms, including Kindle (Amazon), iPad (Apple iBooks), Nook (Barnes & Noble), Android devices (Google Play), and Kobo. Each ebook will be available within a week of the decision and will consist of:

    • a historical account of the case
    • a statement of its facts
    • profiles of the parties
    • analyses of the lower court judgments
    • examination of the briefs filed & the oral arguments in the Supreme Court
    • discussion of the larger issues raised by the case, and
    • a comprehensive timeline

Each SCOTUS Books-in-Brief title will be researched and written by a noted legal authority in the field. To further enhance the reading experience, every ebook will have photographs and hyperlinks (including links to court opinions and audio files).

Editorial Board

Ronald Collins, University of Washington School of Law
David Skover, Seattle University, School of Law

Advisory Board

Erwin Chemerinsky, University of California at Irvine, School of Law
Robert Corn-Revere, Davis Wright Tremaine
David M. O’Brien, University of Virginia, Department of Politics
Stephen Vladeck, American University, School of Law
Kathryn Watts, University of Washington, School of Law
Geoffrey Stone, University of Chicago, School of Law
Nadine Strossen, New York Law School
Adam Winkler, UCLA School of Law